Difference between Elliott Wave and Gann Analysis
Elliott wave
Principle and Gann analysis both are different and unique. Thus both technical
theories work very well in today’s market. Here we will not see the practical
application of the theories but the difference between them
1. Elliott
Wave Principle says that in an impulsive wave there should be 5 waves in which
3 waves decide the market direction and 2 waves are just the reaction. Whereas
Gann analysis says that in order to know the trend of the market on the upside
there should always be 3 section more than 3 section can be utilized as an
opportunity to create short positions.
From the above chart
we can come to a conclusion that more than 3 section will suggests that the
trend of the market is not going to sustain and there are high chances for the
market to reverse. This is one of way to catch a top or the bottom.